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6:00 p.m. - 27 June 2004
Still no baby
Today is my due date. And there is no baby yet, nor is there likely to be one in the last six hours of the day. Sigh.

I actually went to L&D on the 17th, because I was having contractions about every 6-7 minutes, lasting a minute each, that got stronger when I walked around. My doctor was there anyway, and she checked me and said I was 2-3cm. I stayed on the monitor for about two hours (which really sort of pissed me off -- I would have rather walked around to see if that helped things get going), by which point I hadn't made any progress so they sent me home. I had a regular appointment for the next morning, and my doc confirmed that there were no changes and that it could still be another couple of weeks.

I go in tomorrow morning, and since I'll be officially past due, they'll do an ultrasound to make sure that everything looks good. If so, then I'll probably come back later in the week and get checked again. The doctor has said that unless there's a problem, she won't even really think about induction until I'm two weeks overdue -- which would put me very close to my birthday. I think I'll cry if I'm still pregnant at that point, I really do.

There's a full moon on Friday, and anecdotal evidence suggests that there are more babies born then, so he may be hanging out until then. Lee keeps saying he'll show up on July 4, which is another distinct possibility. Actually, I wouldn't mind too horribly much if he did wait a few days longer -- this week is the second week in the pay period, so I could save a little vacation time. Plus, we do have next Monday as a holiday, so we're not expected at work anyway.

Mom was here this weekend; as she was leaving she rubbed my belly and told him that Thursday or Friday would be a good day to be born because she could drive up Wednesday night and then be able to stay for a couple days when we go home. She's already said that she's not at all concerned about missing the birth; she wants to be here when we come home since that's when I'll need the most help. I get to stay in the hospital for 48 hours after delivery, which is nice and would give her plenty of time to get here.

Overall it was a good visit; we didn't really go anywhere or do anything other than go out to eat. We talked a lot about Grandmere, actually -- Mom told me she was the one who did the eulogy and I asked her for a copy. The one she left me doesn't work, though, so I'll have to get her to email it to me. She also said that of all the grandchildren, I'm probably the most like her, which I agree with. One of my cousins got the gift for sewing and dressmaking; another got the gift for fine art; I got the needlework, tendency towards procrastination, voracious reading habit (although to be fair, several of us got that one), and generalized interest in everything that she had. Whenever the family played Trivial Pursuit, Grandmere had special rules -- she could only go around the board one way, for example -- in order to make things more fair for everyone else. She and I played against each other a number of times and I'm pretty sure the overall result was a tie.

So things were a little bittersweet, but they never got too maudlin. Mom is excited about Vadin and made a bunch of suggestions about the landscaping (well, mostly suggestions and one order to move the blueberry bushes that Lee planted last week so that when she moves into the garage she'll have a good supply of them). Everyone is doing pretty well at the moment; the phone keeps ringing with people wanting to know if we've had this baby yet, as though we wouldn't let them know. I suspect tomorrow at work will be difficult with comments from people, but I'll get over it. At this point I'm used to not being able to leave my desk without someone asking me when I'm due. Frustrating, but nothing I can do about it.



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